My Coast Guard
Tag: CG-0921 Historian

Feb. 10, 2023

The Long Blue Line: WWII recruit training at Manhattan Beach and desegregating the U.S. military

Many African American Coast Guard recruits trained in the New York facility prior to serving their country.

Feb. 3, 2023

The Long Blue Line: Keeper Richard Etheridge and the Gold Medal lifesavers of Pea Island

The first African American officer-in-charge of a military installation.

Jan. 20, 2023

The Long Blue Line: Forrest Rednour—World War II rescue swimmer and FRC namesake

. . . his courageous disregard for his own personal safety in a situation of grave peril was in keeping with the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service.    Navy & Marine Corps Medal citation, Ship’s Cook 2nd Class Forrest O. RednourForrest Oren Rednour was born May 13, 1923, in Cutler, Illinois. He enlisted in the U.S. Coast Guard

Jan. 6, 2023

The Long Blue Line: Thetis—Hawaii’s first cutter and Teddy Roosevelt’s guardian of endangered seabirds 

At the time of the visit of the party, in summer of 1911, heaps of the bodies of the slain still lay on the ground, mute witnesses of the sad fate that had overtaken these beautiful birds. Henry W. Henshaw, Chief, U.S. Bureau of Biological Survey, 1911 Henry Henshaw was not only chief of the federal bureau overseeing threatened species over 100

Dec. 30, 2022

The Long Blue Line: Capt. von Paulsen’s New Year’s Day aviation rescue near Miami

Before all was said and done, the rescue turned to survival for the rescuers.

Dec. 23, 2022

The Long Blue Line: Lighthouses and the history of ‘The Flying Santa’

The Flying Santa, delivering gifts for more than 90 years.

Dec. 16, 2022

The Long Blue Line: Ray Evans—Hero of Guadalcanal who enlisted and served with Douglas Munro 80 years ago

Chief Ray Evans served with the Coast Guard’s only Medal of Honor recipient, and is now FRC namesake!

Dec. 9, 2022

The Long Blue Line: Harry Hamlet’s rescue of Navy convoy 100 years ago!

Shortly after World War I, a remarkable event demonstrated the caliber of Coast Guard officers.