My Coast Guard
Tag: dhs

Dec. 21, 2021

Coast Guard supports Operation Allies Welcome

Coast Guard active duty and reserve members continue to play an integral role in the planning and operations associated with Operations Allies Welcome. In August, President Biden designated the Department of Homeland Security as the lead federal agency for Operation Allies Welcome, to lead and coordinate the effort to support vulnerable Afghans

Aug. 9, 2021

DHS experts host live virtual vaccine Q&A

Session will cover common questions like, How was the vaccine developed so quickly? Is it dangerous?

May 14, 2021

Virtual Summit: Security and terrorism prevention innovations

DHS Centers of Excellence Summit 2021

March 23, 2021

DHS wants your input to become more effective, efficient

The Department of Homeland Security is looking for ideas and suggestions from its stakeholders across public and private sectors familiar with or interested in improving DHS's effectiveness and efficiency. Your input can be submitted in the form of  questions, hypotheses, or problems focused on any area of the department’s work.Your input will

March 22, 2021

New: Concealed-carry credentialing program for Coast Guard law enforcement personnel

Current and former law enforcement officers can carry a personally owned firearm concealed while off-duty, not in uniform, in any jurisdiction in the U.S. with certain exceptions.

March 15, 2021

Civilian detail - deadline NOON today

The Department of Homeland Security established Operation Vaccinate Our Workforce (VOW) to work across the Department to facilitate the voluntary vaccination of frontline employees.  This team has since increased the number of vaccinations, vaccination sites across the country and information available for Components and leadership regarding DHS’

Feb. 5, 2021

Solicitation: DHS SES Candidate Development Program

OPM-certified candidates eligible for SES appointments without competition

Jan. 27, 2021

Coast Guard honored with DHS's first Outstanding Unit Award

Eligibility, manner of wear, and other guidance will be forthcoming

Jan. 19, 2021

Caught you leading!

Leader-Grams tell people how much you appreciate their everyday acts of leadership

Jan. 15, 2021

Solicitation: DHS Supervisory Leadership Bridges Program

Develop your first-line supervisory skills in six months.