My Coast Guard

April 29, 2022

The Long Blue Line: Prinsendam—Coast Guard’s “Miracle Rescue” over 40 years ago!

Editor’s note: This article initially published Nov. 24 in the Commandant’s Bulletin Magazine.The town of Valdez, Alaska, fell behind the U.S. tanker Williamsburgh. Full of oil, the ship headed for Texas. The bridge crew sighed relief—one more successful trip through the narrow channel. Midnight was approaching, bringing in Saturday, Oct. 4, 1980,

April 15, 2022

The Long Blue Line: “The land turned to liquid”—Coast Guard operations in the Great Alaska Earthquake

The land turned to liquid. A long slice of the seaward edge of the plain…a section nearly a mile long and as much as six hundred feet wide-compacted, slumped, and then slid into the bay… men tumbled into the water, grasping for anything – timbers, boxes, debris-to stay afloat. One clung to the side of the fissure before he too, fell in. In the

April 1, 2022

The Long Blue Line: “The last full measure of devotion”—the life and death of Revenue Cutter Capt. Thomas Dungan

A story about the Coast Guard's predecessor service in the Civil War.

March 18, 2022

The Long Blue Line: Harriet Lane—first lady of the Coast Guard and the U.S.!

First Lady Harriet Lane lives today through the cutter named for her.

March 4, 2022

The Long Blue Line: Revenue Cutter Hudson and the Battle of Cardenas Bay in the War with Spain

The service’s first minority members honored for heroism in combat in the War with Spain