My Coast Guard
Tag: Coast Guard Academy

July 16, 2024

Coast Guard updates Swab Summer for incoming Academy cadets

Service adds new oversight, alters training structure

June 25, 2024

Coast Guard Academy graduates receive weapons of mass destruction training

Training is the first line of defense.

Nov. 9, 2023

Coast Guard Academy unveils new football uniforms in honor of Douglas Munro

The uniforms will be worn for the first time at the annual Secretaries Cup football game this Veterans Day, Nov. 11, 2023.

Aug. 10, 2023

An icebreaker’s summer break on the Great Lakes

Cutter crew, auxiliarists and Academy cadets enhance skillsets and camaraderie during fair weather months.

May 22, 2023

Congratulations, Coast Guard Academy Class of 2023

DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas was on hand to celebrate the class whose motto, Omnes Simul, means ‘All Together’

March 28, 2023

A Coast Guard Family: Three sisters follow in their father’s footsteps at the U.S. Coast Guard Academy

It seems unlikely that three sisters from the same family would all attend the U.S. Coast Guard Academy. What seems even more unlikely is they would all choose the same academic major to study, and the same sport to play. That all may seem improbable unless you know Molly, Micki, and Mary Kate Huynh from Grantville, Pennsylvania. The Huynh sisters

Feb. 27, 2023

Same but different; Eagle’s sister ship holds true to its vintage origin

A Coast Guard Academy cadet shares her time aboard the NRP Sagres III.

Dec. 14, 2022

Creating home-away-from-home experience for academy cadets 

Local New London families volunteer to ‘adopt’ academy cadets. 

Nov. 10, 2022

Don’t miss the Coast Guard Academy on ESPN 

CGA to be featured twice over Veterans Day weekend 

Nov. 10, 2022

3 Coast Guard Academy alums are inducted into the Hall of Heroes memorial

An annual tradition recognizing the heroic actions of academy alum.