My Coast Guard
Category: Reserve

Sept. 4, 2020

Event: Bystander Intervention webinar, Sept. 9

Register to listen to self-defense expert Nicole Snell during a Zoom event Sept. 9. You will learn practical tools for using your intuition, setting verbal boundaries, and de-escalation options. She will also teach you about the definition of consent, and ways to support survivors. The webinar only has 100 seats; register early. 

Sept. 4, 2020

Wading Into Flooded Waters – New Flood Response Training Finishes Its Inaugural Course

In August 72 Coast Guardsmen participated in the Service’s inaugural flood response training in Beltsville, IN. These members received this training because of the likelihood that they will be called on to respond to a flood within the community they serve.  

Sept. 2, 2020

Wellness Wednesday Sneak Peek: Determining Vital Workforce Emergency Assistance

Wellness Wednesday’s guests today include Master Chief Anthony Martinez, Command Master Chief of Sector Northern New England, Christopher James, and Ms. Leslie Cardona, who will provide guidance and a real-world example on determining when a Coast Guard member is in need of help, how to address their challenges and to which resources to connect them. The conversation will take place today from 3-4 p.m. EDT.

Aug. 31, 2020

The View from The Bridge

Note: This column originally appeared in the August 2020 edition of Reserve Magazine.

Wow. What a world we're living in right now.

Before COVID-19, we never conceived of things like remote Reserve drilling or training via video conference.

Aug. 31, 2020

Build a better bookshelf: The 2020 USCG Professional Development Reading List

The New York Times bestselling cookbook, “Salt Fat Acid Heat: Mastering the Elements of Good Cooking,” might seem an unusual choice for the Coast Guard’s annual professional development reading list. But the book “helped me disconnect from a demanding staff assignment,” explains Lt. Austin Fullmer, in the Ninth District. “If being able to roast a whole buttermilk chicken on my own doesn’t signify personal growth, I don’t know what does!”

Aug. 31, 2020

3-Minute Interview: Master Chief Petty Officer of the Coast Guard Jason Vanderhaden

One of our MyCG writers sat down with Master Chief Petty Officer of the Coast Guard Jason Vanderhaden to discuss his approach on leadership.

Aug. 29, 2020

Event: White House Fellowship info session, Sept. 17

Becoming a White House Fellow can transform your career and leadership abilities. 

Coast Guard Congressional Affairs and White House Fellowship alumni will host an informational session on Sept. 17 to discuss the fellowship application process, share their experiences, and answer questions from interested applicants.


Aug. 28, 2020

Celebrating Women in the Coast Guard

Women’s Equality Day commemorates the 19th Amendment to the United States Constitution, giving some women the right to vote. Together as a Service, we work toward greater equality and inclusion through policy, plans and leadership, while we also celebrate the trailblazing work of the women who serve our nation and our Coast Guard.

Aug. 28, 2020

Child Care Needs Assessment Survey

Please take a moment to take the Child Care Needs Assessment Survey,

Aug. 28, 2020

Major Marine Investigators Recognized for Excellence

When an emergency occurs on the water, most mariners know to call the Coast Guard for help on channel 16 of their marine radio. Our boat crews and aircrews are maritime first responders, saving lives and property at sea.
What happens after a maritime tragedy? How do we keep it from happening again?
Enter the Coast Guard’s Marine Investigators.