The Enlisted Personnel Management Branch of Personnel Service Center will host an Ask Me Anything session to help demystify Enlisted Boards and Panels.
What burning questions do you have? What rumors have you heard that you want to ground-truth? Submit them here by noon EDT March 19.
We’ll have CSCM Nick Wright, the Boards and Panels guru of EPM-1, with EMCM Jason Sardinas and MKCS Sal LaMantia of EPM-4 to answer all your questions.
Boards and panels help ensure members requesting special assignments or positions of increased responsibility have the leadership and communication skills, adaptability, professionalism, and character needed to enable mission success. Boards and panels are convened to rank eligible members for positions like:
- Master Chief Advancement Panel (MCAP)
- Command Senior Enlisted Leader (CSEL)
- Officer in Charge (OIC) Screening Panel
- Post Graduate and Advance Education Panels
- Senior Enlisted Continuation Board (SECB)
- Special Assignments, including:
- Recruiting
- Coast Guard Investigative Services (CGIS)
- Enlisted Marine Inspector Training Program (EMITP)
- Leadership and Management School (LAMS) Instructor
- Company Commander
- Stay tuned for the link to watch the Ask Me Anything and get the scoop!