ADM Linda Fagan and MCPOCG Heath Jones have announced a mandatory Suicide Prevention Stand-Down in response to and the high number of suicides within the Coast Guard this year. Commands must complete their Stand-Down no later than December 21.
The Coast Guard is dedicated to proactively reinforcing resiliency at every level of the organization and committed to a culture fostering collaboration, connection, and hope. It is imperative that the Service takes care of the people who dedicate their lives to serving others.
Each unit’s Stand-Down should include:
Remember, it is a sign of strength to ask for help. Whether you're struggling emotionally, feeling overwhelmed by the demands of the season, battling problems with substance use, or even contemplating suicide, talking to someone you trust can be incredibly healing and provide you the support to get needed help. Support can come from family, friends, chaplains, or mental health professionals, and yes, seeking help is a sign of strength, not weakness.
Here is a list of support resources:
- Chaplains can help members of all faiths with spiritual readiness and resiliency, call (202)-372-4900 or visit the chaplain’s website.
- CG SUPRT is available to active-duty members, reservists, civilian employees and family members for assistance with a full range of challenges including financial, relationship and other life stressors.
- Resiliency Coordinators can be contacted by emailing
- The national Suicide and Crisis Lifeline, #988, is available 24/7.
For more information, please contact Cmdr. LaMar Henderson, suicide prevention program manager at or 202-494-0561.