In our fourth week of focusing on the Core Values, we’re turning the spotlight on Devotion to Duty. Based on the stories members have shared during interviews so far, we think it involves at least three key elements: Devotion to Mission, to People, and to Service.
What does it mean to you? Check out these six activities and tell us what you think about Our Core Value of Devotion to Duty!
People can have very different understandings of Devotion to Duty. For instance, does Devotion to Duty, in your opinion, include devotion to your crew? Devotion to your family? Devotion to your crew’s families? Or, is it solely devotion to getting the job done? Chat about this with your crew and see the different ways this can be interpreted. Even more importantly, you can then understand better why people act as they do, as values drive behaviors.
The activities for Honor and Respect are still open. And the coveted prize of eternal glory is still for the taking by the winners of the Core Values Story, Video, and Image Contest! This whole effort of defining and redefining and talking and playing games about the Core Values is all in the vein of making the Coast Guard even better for tomorrow.
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