Uniforms can take a beating during normal operations. And this can be even worse when members respond to ongoing operations. This may be the case for those who have deployed in support of the Southwest Border Operations, or if your permanent duty station is in the affected area of that response. If your uniforms are damaged or are no longer serviceable due to the Southwest Border Operations, you are authorized for replacement uniforms-in-kind.
To replace your damaged uniforms, your command should have a designated point of contact (POC) who will serve as the liaison between you and the Uniform Distribution Center (UDC). This POC should be able to determine that your uniform items are no longer serviceable, and that you are authorized replacement items. The POC will use the UDC spreadsheet located on the UDC website to submit uniform replacement requests. Your uniform items will be shipped to your duty station or your home of record.
Once you as a POC have the spreadsheet filled out, please email Christopher Moulton, the UCD POC, and Lt. Cmdr. Sonya Leibowitz, Deputy Chief, Logistics Program Manager. The spreadsheet will contain personal identifiable information (PII) and will have to be password protected. If you don’t have immediate access to email or the internet, please call Moulton at (609) 861-7900 and he will be able to assist.
Receiving orders
The UDC will fill orders as top priority and ship to the address identified in the spreadsheet. If you receive replacement uniforms from the government, you will not be able to request additional compensation through private insurance claims.