The following members are eligible for advancement or change in rating to fill Selected Reserve vacancies June 1, 2021, provided the requirements of article 3.A of the Enlistments, Accessions, Evaluations and Advancements manual and article 7.C of the Reserve Policy manual are met.
Commanding officers shall immediately notify those members eligible for advancement and take the appropriate administrative action. Commanding officers may withhold or cancel advancements of ineligible personnel in accordance with the Reserve Policy manual and Art. 3.A.1 of the Coast Guard Weight and Body Fat Standards Program manual. When an advancement is withheld or cancelled, the commanding officer will immediately notify Pay & Personnel Center (ADV) by email via AOIX. Please note C2OIX does not transfer to AOIX.
Members may be advanced to the rating/paygrade indicated.
BMCS David Tillman
BMCS Christopher Bentley
BMCS Rachael Chirico
BMC Clinton Cortright
BMC Kane Sprague
BMC Lucas Draime
BMC Nicholas Riccardi
BMC Matthew Roache
BMC Christopher Zonsius
BMC Eric Schnorrbusch
BM1 Michael Ramos
BM1 Andrew Kanagy
BM1 Dakota Dubois
BM1 Roman Chapetti
BM1 Jason Ruffenach
BM1 Rachael Greene
BM1 Shane Hosler
BM1 Naddav Paran
BM1 Alexander Rau
BM1 Edward Finn
BM1 Christopher Scanzano
BM1 Stephen Canfield
BM2 Kristoff Decker
BM2 Joshua Folkert
BM2 Taylor Abram
BM2 Michael King
DC1 Justin Karstens
GMC Stephen Shell
HSC Kimberly Hoefer
IS2 Hannah Moore
IVC John Hanrahan
IV1 Keith Bassolino
MECM Richard Ilcisko
MEC Andrew Webster
ME1 avid Camou
ME1 Kyle Kozlowski
ME1 Jeremy Mireles
ME1 Erik Bernard
ME1 Erik Mireles
ME1 Joshua Boedecker
ME1 Joseph Garone
ME1 James Wolfer
ME1 Westley Phillips
ME1 Katherin Decastro
ME2 Frank Lazarcheck
ME2 Cameron Snyder
ME2 Jacob Higginbotham
ME2 Harry Chazen
ME2 Patrick Knuth
ME2 Andrew Jump
ME2 Michael Matos
ME2 Ryan Bradley
MKCS Steven Jayne
MKCS John David Ridad
MKCS Jason Ott
MKC Austen Venick
MKC Thomas Mccullough
MKC Mack Rutland
MKC Noah Vogeli
MKC Aidas Masiulis
MKC Matthew Stowell
MK1 Lemuel Boggs
MK1 John Reich
MK1 Christopher Hughes
MK1 Shawn Queeney
MK1 Robert Rogers
MK1 Jesse Hart
MK1 Tayron Mosley
MK2 Luis Hernandezjimenez
MK2 Samuel Buskirk
MK2 Jason Butcher
MK2 Michael Tanner
MK2 Lorenzo Morales
MK2 Richard Armas
MK2 Jordan Wooten
MK2 Ryan Polin
MK2 Zachary Seeger
MK2 Michael Bosch
MK2 Jason Brown
MK2 Derek Shank
MK2 Jeremy Bunker
MK2 Adrianna Lacue
MK2 Philip Stolp
MSTCS Christopher Thomson
MSTC Nicholas Carr
MSTC Jennifer Gramata
MSTC Robert Merigan
MSTC Jason Pronovost
MST2 Antonio Bryant
MST2 Gabriel Christy
MST2 Yevgeniy Kislov
MST2 Michael Saint-Antoine
MST2 Cara Reese
MST2 Linnhe Martin
OSC Jonathan Wheatley
OS1 Steven Markley
SKC Elizabeth Mastorides
SK1 Hector Serrano
SK2 Scott Blue
YN2 Melody Benitez
YN2 Joanna Parsons
YN2 Standonny Runikera
YN2 Ryan Berube
YN2 Javier Deleon Caraballo
The rank order number for each individual identified for advancement in the ERAA is no longer indicated. The original rank order number may be found at the Pay and Personnel Center website, but is subject to change.
Commanding officers will ensure personnel advancing to pay grades E-7 thru E-9 obligate required service prior to advancement per Article3.A.21.c of the Enlistments, Accessions, Evaluations and Advancements manual.
The commanding officer's recommendation for advancement (Ready) must be maintained for the period from recommendation to advancement. In addition, E-7, E-8, and E-9 candidates must not have an unsatisfactory conduct mark on an enlisted evaluation for 24 months prior to the terminal eligibility date. Personnel failing to maintain the CO's recommendation (Ready) for this period shall be invalidated from the Servicewide Exam in which they participated. Personnel who have been invalidated must be recommended and qualify again through a new SWE competition.
Upon approved advancement, members are authorized to change their rank as it appears in the global address list (GAL) from the Self Service portal. This can be done as a standard user without requiring admin-privileges, does not require a call to CGFIXIT, and does not require a CGFIXIT Ticket. See this self-help tech-tip for more information.
For more information please email Chief Warrant 3 Juan C. Deliz or by phone: 202-795-6506 or email Chief Petty Officer Thomas Maldonado or call 202-795-6500