As of May 3, 2021, the Coast Guard has fully vaccinated 32,281 (57%) and partially vaccinated 3,281 members of the total Coast Guard workforce against COVID-19. The vaccines are safe and effective, and vaccination of all members remains the surest path to emerge from this pandemic national emergency to fully restore service readiness. Vaccines are currently voluntary for all personnel.
Coast Guard dependent family members are key to the readiness of the active and reserve force.
To help ensure the safety of our families, the service is now including military dependents in the tiered vaccination plan.
As of April 30, 2021, Coast Guard clinics are authorized to vaccinate Coast Guard dependents in regions or communities where there is demand and the vaccine is not readily available from civilian providers, Department of Defense (DoD) Medical Treatment Facilities, or other sources.
Coast Guard clinics will ensure that adequate supply of vaccine is available to meet the demand.
Dependents who request the vaccine from a Coast Guard clinic are required to provide proof of dependent status.
For more information and to determine if a Coast Guard clinic is scheduling beneficiary vaccinations, members should contact their local clinic.
Phone numbers for Coast Guard clinics can be found within the Health, Safety, Work-Life Service Center (HSWL SC) app. For iPhone users, the app can be located at Apple App store. For Android users, the app can be located here.