Our deckplate leader of the week is Chief Petty Officer Steven Springer from Culinary Support Activity Yorktown!
Chief Springer is a man of many hats!
He’s not only the senior paperwork manager, he is also the temporary duty chief in charge of the first ever TDY pool tasked with assigning culinary specialists from U.S. Coast Guard Training Center (TRACEN) Yorktown to fill mission critical solicitations across the Coast Guard.
He has assigned qualified CS’s to more than 30 mission critical solicitations, coordinated travel and ensured units receive quality CS support.
Springer’s uniform sets the standard for all others. He treats the staff and students at TRACEN Yorktown with respect and counts on the same in return.
He was awarded "Spirit of the Chief" during the 2019 fall Chiefs Call to Initiation (CCTI) and continues to be an active member in the Chief’s Mess.
Springer volunteers his time preparing food for Mess events such as CCTI functions, appreciation luncheons for the incident management team and has volunteered on multiple occasions at the Virginia Peninsula Food Bank putting together food boxes for the less fortunate in the community.
Chief Springer has taken an active role in the mentoring of subordinates at the Coast Guard’s largest dining facility. He has also volunteered to serve as a class mentor for a TRACEN "A" School class.
A good chief does not only care about completing the mission; a good chief cares about their people.
They care about the complete person; offering guidance, direction and mentoring, both professionally and personally, to bring out the best.
“Sometimes if you're really lucky like me, you will have had a great chief in your career who completely changes your outlook on the Coast Guard and will be remembered as a positive role model for the rest of your life,” said Springer.
“The advice I would like to pass on to junior members is to ‘jump in with two feet’ and take advantage of all the opportunity's the Coast Guard has to offer. Don't sell yourself short and not compete for those special billets, schools or career goals you think you might not be ready or good enough to accomplish. Your career will go by fast, so please don't be a wall flower - jump in and put out yourself out there. You might surprise yourself.”