Master Chief Schlangen stands out as the best-of-the-best leader, exemplifying the Coast Guard core values of honor, respect and devotion to duty.
From the desk of Master Chief Schlangen:
A good Chief never stops doing the right thing. It is easy to expect someone else to vacuum the rugs, sweep and swab the P-way, or stop to pick up some trash. Too many Chiefs say, "I've been doing these things my entire career, it's someone else's time to do it now." But by continuing to do these things, I'm trying to set a different expectation: Leadership isn't a privilege, it's a responsibility.
Junior Member Advice:
Get your degree! I spent the first 15 years of my career either worrying that I wasn't smart enough, or thinking I was too busy to put in the time for online classes (honestly - if there's an excuse for that procrastination - I've used it!), and then I spent the next five years figuring out how to balance work, being a husband, and a parent as well as putting in the work to get my degree, and honestly can say that it has made me not only more appreciative of each of these things, but also shown me how capable we all are at getting things done!
He is very much a visionary and innovative professional!
Master Chief Schlangen unhesitatingly seized opportunities to spearhead multiple initiatives to improve Coast Guard performance. Most notably, he led the charge to implement a Command Center currency standardization model, aimed at reducing the burden on individual units while standardizing training materials and training schedules CG wide.
Additionally, he teamed with the OS Rating Force Master Chief on several projects, including an OS Occupational Analysis, an OS to Station program, and took the initiative to redesign a Rating Structure Pyramid document for use in Master Chief Petty Officer advancement panels.
Following the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, Master Chief Schlangen was instrumental in leading the Command Center Standardization Team to further efforts for remote delivery of assessments, promoting opportunity for continuity of operations in any environment. Furthermore, his process-oriented thinking resulted in direct-selection to Training Center Yorktown’s Assessment, Inspection, and Audit Liaison Office role, providing management oversight to five AIA teams and coordinating relationship development with FC-A, FC-T, and a wide range of AIA customers.
In addition to being at the forefront of improvement to the OS rating, TCY, and the Service as a whole, Master Chief Schlangen consistently made time to serve an active role in Chiefs mess activities. Notably, he chaired the Chiefs Call to Initiation Dinner committee, wherein he and his team spent countless hours meticulously planning the smallest details to ensure the success of the high-visibility event for over 200 personnel. He personally rewrote the script to ensure adherence to proper military protocol and traditions, while making certain the newly minted Chiefs were honored with a dignified ceremony. Additionally, he served as a key participant in multiple CCTI functions, is an active voting member of the CPO Association, and volunteered to serve in multiple positions including a retirement for a MCPO and TCY Change of Command Honor Platoon.
As a revered leader, Master Chief Schlangen is seen as a go-to advisor for informal mentoring and sage counsel to peers, subordinates, and junior officers alike. He assisted several members with advancement requirements, including collaboration on a white paper regarding OS Rating concerns to help two members meet advancement requirements to E-9. In addition to informal mentorship, he serves as an active formal mentor of three junior enlisted members, two senior enlisted, and one junior officer. Moreover, he volunteers as a Critical Incident Stress Management peer regularly sought after to provide support, most recently in assisting with remote qualification of CISM peers and feedback on processes.
Master Chief Schlangen is also actively involved in the On-Boarding process for TCY personnel and was instrumental in distributing direction and guidance to Division and Branch Chiefs on the TCY Sponsor Program, ensuring members inbound to unit had the most up-to-date information- this proved even more critical during the COVID-19 pandemic. Finally, in an effort to promote Suicide Awareness, he ensured that the Suicide Awareness Month wreath and “empty boots display” were presented on the TCY parade field.
His tireless work ethic infuses his people with positive energy and inspires colleagues and teammates to perform at their best. The above achievements only begin to capture the scope and breadth of his impact to the unit and our Service!
Bravo Zulu! You are a true embodiment of a Master Chief Petty Officer!