My Coast Guard

Sept. 4, 2020

Federal government deferring payroll taxes for certain members, employees

Social Security taxes will be deferred for many federal civilians and uniformed members through the end of this year.

Sept. 4, 2020

Event: Bystander Intervention webinar, Sept. 9

Register to listen to self-defense expert Nicole Snell during a Zoom event Sept. 9. You will learn practical tools for using your intuition, setting verbal boundaries, and de-escalation options. She will also teach you about the definition of consent, and ways to support survivors. The webinar only has 100 seats; register early. 

Sept. 4, 2020

Wading Into Flooded Waters – New Flood Response Training Finishes Its Inaugural Course

In August 72 Coast Guardsmen participated in the Service’s inaugural flood response training in Beltsville, IN. These members received this training because of the likelihood that they will be called on to respond to a flood within the community they serve.  

Sept. 3, 2020

Improvements to Your Coast Guard Behavioral Health Services

How are you doing? This is a question that we often ask of one another. And yet, during today’s climate and challenges—the responses you may receive may be marred with stress. Although Coast Guard leadership has responded to primary workforce needs during these unprecedented times with greater telework flexibility, a dedicated COVID-19 website and support teams, Medical Mondays, Wellness Wednesdays and more, there is still an ever-increasing need to provide the workforce with the skills to cope with stress and increase resiliency.

Sept. 3, 2020

Solicitation: Innovative ideas that could become projects in FY22

As fiscal year 2020 draws to a close, the Research, Development, Test & Evaluation (RDT&E) and Innovation Program is already looking to the future. The RDT&E and Innovation Program is asking you – all military, civilian, reserve, auxiliary and contract personnel – to submit research ideas for the FY22 RDT&E Project Portfolio. Ideas, lessons learned, or suggested best practices are due Sept. 11, 2020. We invite you to submit your ideas to the CG_Ideas@Work, or by email to 

Sept. 2, 2020

Wellness Wednesday Sneak Peek: Determining Vital Workforce Emergency Assistance

Wellness Wednesday’s guests today include Master Chief Anthony Martinez, Command Master Chief of Sector Northern New England, Christopher James, and Ms. Leslie Cardona, who will provide guidance and a real-world example on determining when a Coast Guard member is in need of help, how to address their challenges and to which resources to connect them. The conversation will take place today from 3-4 p.m. EDT.

Sept. 2, 2020

You’re a Part of the CG Family Too—Suicide Prevention Efforts at the Coast Guard

Life in a military family can be challenging for each family member, not just the member. Upheavals like permanent change of station (PCS) moves, school changes, and deployments can increase feelings of isolation, loss, and hopelessness – and they are all risk factors associated with suicide.

Sept. 2, 2020

Deck plate leader of the Week: Command Master Chief Frank Tatu

Our Deck Plate Leader of the Week is Command Master Chief Frank Tatu from Coast Guard Training Center Petaluma!

Sept. 1, 2020

Promotions: Selections for Commander

The Coast Guard’s Commander Selection Board convened July 20, 2020, and recommended 204 members to promote to the rank of commander during promotion year 2021. Officers selected are listed below in active duty promotion list precedence (ADPL) order. Congratulations to all who have been selected for promotion.

Aug. 31, 2020

Dear Coast Guard Family: The Choice Between Peace and Perfection

How we spend our time is one of life’s greatest and most impactful choices. I spend a lot of my time trying to be perfect. The (hard) truth is – perfection is unattainable.