My Coast Guard

Latest Family News

April 21, 2021

Prepare to be boarded!

Join us for a day in the life of Station Yaquina Bay, which runs rescue and law enforcement missions to protect people and wildlife.

April 21, 2021

Meet the U.S. Coast Guard Band!

Meet some members of the Coast Guard Band and their kids, and check out some performances - including Taps and the Indiana Jones theme song.

April 21, 2021

Join the flight crew!

Hop into the front seat of an MH-65 Dolphin helicopter, and go for a ride!

April 21, 2021

Make an authentic NY pizza!

Life in the Coast Guard is unpredictable, but we can always rely on our well-trained culinary specialists to feed us well.

April 21, 2021

Caution: This plane tour might get loud!

Join us for a family tour of a Coast Guard plane at Air Station Elizabeth City.

April 21, 2021

Gear up! It's rescue time

Learn about ice rescues in the chilly Saginaw River.

April 21, 2021

Heave ho! Set a sail on America's Tall Ship

The Eagle is the only active-duty sailing vessel in America's military.

April 21, 2021

Tour a National Security Cutter (CGC Waesche)

CGC Waesche recently suffered an extensive fire, but that doesn’t keep her chief engineering officer from giving us a tour!

April 21, 2021

Good job, Bingo!

Help Chief Bingo, a Coast Guard K9, learn how to find an explosive device.

April 21, 2021

Fold the United States flag

Learn the proper way to fold the United States flag, so it is neat, beautiful and ready to be stored.

Last reviewed on: 10/05/2020