My Coast Guard

Latest Family News

Nov. 20, 2023

Partnership In Education (PIE) and JROTC: Inspiring one another

Some military careers begin in high school.

Nov. 17, 2023

Journey of a Coast Guard Museum Artifact: The Sign

The transformation of the Air Station New Orleans sign from a functional marker to a rallying relic.

Nov. 16, 2023

Congratulations to the 2022 CG Emergency Management Award winners!

Lt. Cmdr. Griffin, of Sector Corpus Christi, and Sector Key West represent the best of emergency management and are the winners of these inaugural awards.

Nov. 13, 2023

Prior Coast Guard officers can apply to re-enter service

Coast Guard Recruiting Command’s prior trained military officer panel is open for officers who resigned their commissions.

Nov. 9, 2023

Coast Guard Academy unveils new football uniforms in honor of Douglas Munro

The uniforms will be worn for the first time at the annual Secretaries Cup football game this Veterans Day, Nov. 11, 2023.

Nov. 7, 2023

Get to know the disABILITY Allies Resource Group

DARG continues the conversation beyond October’s National Disability Employment Awareness Month

Nov. 6, 2023

Healthcare Open Season, Nov. 13-Dec. 11, is a time for military and federal civilians to review healthcare coverage

Help navigating the Federal healthcare process is available through virtual webinars.

Nov. 6, 2023

CGA Alumni Association hosts community healing event Nov. 14-15

The event creates a safe space for CGA alumni and allies to foster transparency about the ongoing response to the Fouled Anchor report and provide resources to survivors of sexual assault and harassment.

Nov. 3, 2023

The Long Blue Line: Aviator #8 recounts the early days of Coast Guard flight

“I didn’t know whether he should have a court-martial for risking the plane and his life or be recommended for a medal for bravery beyond the call of duty. He retired as Rear Admiral.”

Nov. 1, 2023

“This is a challenge, and it is what you make of it.” — Why Petty Officer 1st Class Ashley Moulden serves at sea

“I want to see new places. I want that adventure. I want the experience and I want the sea time.”

Last reviewed on: 10/05/2020