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Rear Admiral Frank Schaefer Senior Reserve Officer Deputy Commandant for Operations
Ms. Lisa Schleder-Kirkpatrick Deputy Assistant Commandant for Capability (CG-7D)
Rear Admiral Douglas M. Schofield Seventh District Commander (D7)
Master Chief Clinton Self Headquarters Command Master Chief
Command Master Chief Melissa Y. Sharer Reserve Command Master Chief Director of Logistics
Master Chief Corey Sidlo Command Master Chief Seventeenth District
Ms. Jennifer Sinclair Deputy Commander, Force Readiness Command (FORCECOM)
Command Master Chief Devin R. Spencer Command Master Chief Atlantic Area
Ms. Amber H. Stein Deputy Director, Acquisition Programs
Rear Admiral Andrew M. Sugimoto Eleventh District Commander (D11)
Rear Admiral Dana Thomas Director of Health, Safety & Work-life (CG-11)
Vice Admiral Paul F. Thomas Deputy Commandant for Mission Support
Mr. Robert (Bob) Thomas, SES Director, Shore Infrastructure Bill Execution Program
Vice Admiral Andrew J. Tiongson Commander, Pacific Area
Mr. Richard Tschampel Assistant Judge Advocate General, Acquisition and Litigation
Command Master Chief Janine M. Tschantz-Hahn Reserve Command Master Chief Seventh District
Ms. Dana S Tulis Director, Emergency Management (CG-5RI)
Rear Admiral John C. Vann Coast Guard Cyber Command
Command Master Chief Kenneth Waldo Seventh Coast Guard District (Reserve)
Command Master Chief Phillip N. Waldron Command Master Chief Seventeenth Coast Guard District
Rear Admiral Will E. Watson Director of Governmental and Public Affairs (CG-092)
Rear Admiral Todd Wiemers Assistant Commandant for Capability (CG-7)
Captain Trey Wirth Marine Environmental Response Policy
Command Master Chief James R. Wood Reserve Command Master Chief Eighth District
Command Master Chief Aaron L. Zimmer Command Master Chief Seventh District